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Experiments with Aarch64 Assembler Part 4 - putcx2

By: Pete, October 2022

putcx2 and the full stack frame

(Code for this mini-series can be downloaded from Github)

In this exercise we'll create a subroutine to write a single ASCII character to the screen twice.

In so doing we will describe the details of a traditional complete stack frame.

This subroutine relies on the write() subroutine that we wrote earlier (which is not reproduced here). To use write() we need to create a string in memory from the subroutine's input character given in the x0 register. We could put it in some global memory but a better option is to put it on the stack.

Let's get started...

Before putx2 gets called, the stack looks like this:

                           fp = x29 = ?????
                           lr = x30 = ?????
|                     | <- sp = x31

When a subroutine is called the return program counter is placed in the x30 register. To make that easier to remember, the x30 register can also be referred to as lr, which stands for "link register".

If we call another subroutine in this subroutine the lr register will get overwritten with the program counter return address that call. As we are going to call write() we need to store lr somewhere and the stack is the place to do it.

To do that, remembering that the stack is grown downwards, towards lower memory, we do:

stp     fp, lr, [sp,#-16]!
// Equivalent to: stp     x29, x30, [sp, -#16]!

This uses the stp "Store Pair" instruction to subtract 16 from the stack pointer and store the pair of registers fp and lr (AKA x29 and x30) at the location pointed to by the modified stack pointer.

We will talk more about the fp frame pointer soon but for now accept that we also need to store it on the stack.

After the stp instruction the stack looks like this:

                           fp = x29 = ?????
                           lr = x30 = ?????
|                     |
|         lr          |
|    original fp      | <- sp = x31

We then store the updated stack pointer in the frame pointer using:

mov     fp, sp

Giving us:

|                     |
|         lr          |
|    original fp      | <- sp, fp

Next we want to store the char to be printed onto the stack. There are many ways to do this, but the general way is to allocate a chunk of memory on the stack and then store any variables we need into that allocated space.

Remembering that we need to keep the stack pointer 16-byte aligned, we do:

sub     sp, sp, #16

Giving us:

|                     |
|         lr          |
|    original fp      | <- fp
|                     |
|                     |
|                     |
|        ...          |
|                     | <- sp

Then we write our two characters into that space using:

strb    w0, [fp,#-1]
strb    w0, [fp,#-2]

This yields:

|                     |
|         lr          |
|    original fp      | <- fp
| c | c |             |
|                     |
|                     |
|        ...          |
|                     | <- sp

Here we've done that using addressing relative to the fp register. In this case the fp register marks the dividing line between the data put on the stack by the calling subroutine and the data put on the stack by the called subroutine. Positive offsets from fp will access data put on by the calling subroutine and negative offsets of fp will access data of the called subroutine.

Compilers that can more easily keep track of the offsets of various pieces of data than us people may access data relative to the sp stack register.

Now we call our write subroutine by putting the address of the lowest character in x0 and the length of 2 in x1:

add     x0, fp, #-2
mov     x1, #2
bl      _write

(As a trivia aside, this gives the opportunity to say that there are no op-codes to do register to register moves in Aarch64. Instructions like mov rd, rs are actually implemented as aliases of add rd, rs, #0. There are other similar tricks in the instruction set opcode mapping that I can hopefully visit at some point.)

Once the write() call returns we need to start unwinding the stack.

The first operation is:

mov     sp, fp

This retores the stack pointer to the value it had before we allocated space for the string with the characters. Note that we could have messed around with the stack pointer many times in our subroutine, growing and shrinking the stack in an ad-hoc way, but this operation will restore the original stack pointer in a simple and safe way.

The stack now looks like:

|                     |
|          lr         |
|    original fp      | <- fp, sp
| c | c |             |
|                     |
|                     |
|        ...          |
|                     |

Next we need to restore the fp register and the lr register so we can make a successful return call.

ldp     fp, lr, [sp], #16

(Personally I'd have liked that instruction to include an ! mark on the end to make it clearer that sp is being modified. i.e. It would be ldp fp, lr, [sp], #16 !.)

This yields:

                           fp = x29 = original fp
                           lr = x30 = ?????
|                     | <- sp = x31
|         lr          |
|    original fp      |
| c | c |             |
|                     |
|                     |
|        ...          |
|                     |

With the link register restored, the ret instruction can be called:


This returns the stack to its orignal state. All the data that was put on it is now out-of-date so we can ignore it:

                           fp = x29 = original fp
                           lr = x30 = ?????
|                     | <- sp = x31

The benefit of using the frame pointer, especially when doing manual assembly coding, is that you can easily restore the stack pointer irrespective of how many chunks of data you allocated. You can also push and pop data on the stack without having to re-compute the offsets needed to access the various bits of data.

The complete putcx2 subroutine code is:

    // void putcx2( char x0 /* c */ )

    // Store the Link Register (x30 == lr) and frame pointer (x29 == fp)
    // on to the stack
    stp     fp, lr, [sp,#-16]!
    // Equivalent to: stp     x29, x30, [sp, -#16]!
    mov     fp, sp

    // To call write() we need our character in memory so let's put
    // it on the stack
    //strb    w0, [sp,#-16]!
    sub     sp, sp, #16

    strb    w0, [fp,#-1]
    strb    w0, [fp,#-2]

    // Now call write() to write the 2 character string
    add     x0, fp, #-2
    mov     x1, 2
    bl      _write

    mov     sp, fp
    ldp     fp, lr, [sp], #16

It is called using:

    mov     x0, #'A'
    bl      _putcx2
    mov     x0, #'Z'
    bl      _putcx2
    mov     x0, #'\n'
    bl      _putcx2
    bl      _exit

As usual, using the script, this can be assembled and run using:

aarch64 putcx2